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Monday, December 11, 2006

euro firefox

The Internet Browser Firefox is in Europe. As you can see, very much so in Finland, Germany and Poland as you can see from this map.

The browser is now used by some 23.2 per cent of European PC web surfers - up from 19.4% in April.
This shows that there is a lot more non-technical people using Firefox. That's good!

Spread the word! Spread the Fire! Get your families, friends, next door neighbours, EVERYONE to use it!!

P.S. Big shout out to the Danish and Norwegian readers reading my Blog! Please identify yourselves!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Darran

    Well, here is one Danish reader of your blog.

    I really don't understand people's fascination with Firefox. I use it myself, because it unfortunately is the best open-source browser available. But I find it big and slow. Commercial browsers like Opera and Safari seem to me like a better choise.
