So this is the story:
1. I got this Private Message yesterday from one of the Moderators (name removed) on the Scouting Ireland Chat Forum:
Hey Ablaze
Sorry to inform you that your signature can only have 1 image in it at a time. Can you please change it at your earliest convenience.
Thank you
Mod Squad 
Here is the signature they were talking about.

My usual signature is the ABLAZE that changes each letter on a new page load, and because of the Jamboree I added a countdown timer to the Big Day. (It's going to be great... apparently!)
2. So I replied:
Hi <--->,
From the Site rules:
# Maximum image width: 400 pixels
# Maximum image height: 200 pixels
Note: The maximum image file size, width and height are determined from the combined number of images in the signature.
The two images in my signature are 420 x 134. I know that it is 20 pixels too wide, but after a bit of looking at a few of the other members signatures, I thought that wouldn't be a problem. Plus 20 pixels is a very small size.
Let me know if you still have a problem.
Yours in Scouting,
3. I got this reply back later back (including a misspelling of my name):
Hi Darren
Thanks for the correction, I must admit I didnt look into before I pm'd you, we are currently asking all members to correct their sigs if they are not within the limits so if you could please make it so it fits within the rules.
4. They admit they didn't even know the rules until I looked them up! They were asking me to correct my signature without knowing what to correct it to! So I replied again:
You really want me to change it because it is 20 pixels too wide?
20 pixels is this wide:
5. And I got this:
Rules are rules im afraid, I know it may only look tiny but if you wouldnt mind.
6. At this point I'm getting kinda annoyed. This was never mentioned before, and it was not as easy as just resizing the images, I couldn't! I sent this off:
Hi <--->,
I actually would mind. I cannot change the image as both pictures are generated on page load on another website. The countdown timer wouldn't work otherwise.
I kinda like it. In just over 4 months it will be gone!
7. I got this reply today:
Your signature is in breach of forum rules, I have spoken to other moderators regarding this issue and we have all agreed that your signature should be changed to comply with Site Rules. Please see below quotes from the site rules regarding signatures and moderators decisions. If you do not comply with these rules the Admin team can change your signature so it does comply. If you have any issues with this you can contact any of the Mod Squad or Admin Team.
2) Images, Links and Signatures
[[Text from Site rules already quoted above]]
Thanks again
Mod Squad
I am kinda pissed now, this moderator reminds me far too much of Meitheal Staff.
They already know my name, as they have called me by it before.
They also know I know the site rules, I have quoted them already for their benefit (which they admitted they didn't look at before they questioned me)
So now I've just decided to make a new signature. 400 by 200 pixels! Hope they are Happy.

Maybe that's how you've found this website? Am I over-reacting? Why not leave a comment?