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Thursday, January 11, 2007

new year

So I put off this post for a while. There isn't much to say, so I guess there isn't much to write about! New years was totally uneventful, where the most exciting thing that happened was... hang on, nothing exciting happened! I stayed in and watched some Comedy DVD's I had. We ended up not having our Back to the Future night.

Besides that the past few weeks have been pretty much work and Skiing! I have a taste for new ski's after demo'ing some new ones one morning. I also wasted a week organising a 3 day road trip from Dallas Texas to Whistler that fell through. Long story.

Work has been pretty easy after the huge Christmas rush, it is a little bit too quiet! Conor also arrived home with presents and chocolate! Life is pretty boring, with nothing much happening. Snow is quite good tho... Am I rambling yet? Repeating myself? No? Then I'll stop.

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