On Friday I received a nice big pack in the post from Kandersteg! It made very interesting reading over the weekend.
Below is a short list of what was included:
- A letter from Miriam, the Director
- A list of all Staff Members for the summer
- A brief introduction to the Long Term Staff for the summer
- List of Equipment needed
- Cost of living in Switzerland
- A 'what to expect when you arrive' information sheet
- A rough Guide to Kandersteg
- A Kandersteg Dictionary!
- An example of what a typical day will be like
- A Map of Kandersteg Town and the Scout Centre
- A booklet on the town
- Information of the Swiss customs
- Timetable of the trains from Kandersteg
- A copy of Kanderactive
- A letter with regards the European Scout Volunteer Programme
- And a Postcard!
I have exams coming up soon and so does Gillian so I’ll be lying low for a while.
I hope to travel up for National Council on the 11th of May, where I will meet Ryan, Who was on Staff last year, Gillian and Bernie the International Commissioner!